Attention to you in every way...
A tantric massage is a loving touch full of attention and presence, without standard form and predetermined result. Tantric massage is given from the heart. We have specialised escorts who can give these massages.
The tantric massage is not the same as an erotic massage where the body is caressed erotically with the aim of becoming sexually aroused. Tantra is a sequence of loving, gentle touches of the whole body. This is done by our ladies with warm oil. The tantric massage awakens your vital life energy and revives your sensual and sexual energy and makes it flow more intensely. When you let yourself be fed regularly with the loving attention and nurturing of the Tantric massage, it brings you closer to yourself and closer to the female yin energy.
Especially for clients who lead a stressful life, have a busy and chaotic job or would like to get into a wider sphere, this is an experience we can heartily recommend.
This massage is also very effective when there is an important appointment or deal to be done. After a tantric massage, our clients feel like they can take on the world.
In this massage, the entire body is touched and probed, including the genitals if desired. This will be discussed during the intake that we have with you prior to the date.
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Tantra experience